Government Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh, has invited application for recruitment to 116 posts. Eligible and interested candidates can apply through prescribed format on or before December 8.
Vacancy details:
- Total posts: 116 posts
- Senior Residents: 46 Posts
- Central Casualty Services: 09 Posts
- Demonstrator: 21 Posts
- Medical Officer (MO)/ Lady Medical Officer (LMO): 01 Post
- Emergency Medical Officer: 01 Post
- Junior Resident (for a maximum period of 1 year for the session starting from 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015): 38 Posts
Eligibility Criteria
- Senior Residents: Postgraduate Medical Degree i.e. (M.D./M.S./M.D.S/ D.M./M.Ch/DNB) OR equivalent in the concerned specialty (recognized by MCI and registered either with Medical Council of India or State Medical Council). If such candidates are not available in any particular specialty, those with postgraduate diploma can be considered.
- Senior Resident (Hospital Administration): Postgraduate Medical degree (MD Hospital Administration/ MD General Medicine). If such candidates are not available in any particular speciality, those with post graduate diploma can be considered.
- Central Casualty Services: Postgraduate Medical Degree i.e. (M.D./M.S./M.D.S/ D.M./M.Ch/DNB) OR equivalent in the concerned specialty (recognized by MCI and registered either with Medical Council of India or State Medical Council). If such candidates are not available in any particular specialty, those with postgraduate diploma can be considered.
- Demonstrator: MBBS (PG degree/ diploma holders shall be preferred)/ M.Sc Medical) in concerned specialty for non-medical persons from Medical Institute/Faculty for Demonstrators Note: The total marks obtained in all professionals of MBBS along with percentage of marks and maximum marks must be mentioned in the application form in the appropriate column.
- Emergency Medical Officer: MBBS (PG degree/ diploma holders shall be preferred)
- Junior Resident: i) MBBS/BDS ii) Registered with Indian Medical Council/State Medical Council. iii) The candidates who have completed/likely to complete their one year rotatory internship on or before 31 December 2014, are only eligible to apply.
Age limit
- Senior Residents: 33 years and in case of post doctoral degree holders is 35 years
- Central Casualty Services: 33 years and in case of post doctoral degree holders is 35 years
- Demonstrator: 30 years for MBBS and 33 years for PG degree holder
- Medical Officer (MO)/ Lady Medical Officer (LMO): 30 years for MBBS and 33 years for PG degree holder
- Emergency Medical Officer: 30 years for MBBS and 33 years for PG degree holder
- Junior Resident: 30 years
Pay Scale
- Senior Residents & Central Casualty Services: Rs.15600-39100( With initial start of Rs.18750/-) carrying Grade Pay Rs.6600/- + allowances as admissible as per orders of the Government issued from time to time
- Demonstrator: Rs.10300-34800( With initial start of Rs.13450/-) carrying grade pay Rs.5000/- + NPA
- Medical Officer (MO)/ Lady Medical Officer (LMO) & Emergency Medical Officer: Rs.15600-39100 carrying grade pay Rs.5400/- + NPA if admissible
- Junior Resident: Rs. 15600-39100/- carrying grade pay of Rs.5400/- + Other Allowances as admissible
Selection Procedure
- Candidates will have to undergo a written test as per their designations on 15 December 2014 in the College Auditorium Hall, Sarai Building, GMCH-32, Chandigarh. Shortlisted candidates will then be called for interview scheduled on 17 & 18 December 2014 in the office of the Director Principal, Govt. Medical College & Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh.
How to Apply
- Interested candidates may send their applications duly filled along the documents asked for & DD drawn of Rs. 500 (Rs. 250 in case of SC)in favour of Director Principal, GMCH, payable at Chandigarh to Principal, Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Chandigarh Administration on or before 08 December 2014.
Important Dates
- Last date for receipt of applications: 08 December 2014
- Date of Written test: 15 December 2014
- Display of Roll No.s for eligible candidates for written test: 14 December 2014
- Result of Written test: 16 December 2014
- Display of list of eligible candidates for Interview: 16 December 2014
- Date of Interview for Senior Resident, RA/RP/CMO: 17 December 2014
- Date of Interview for Demonstrator, EMO, LMO, MO & Junior Resident:18 December 2014