Wednesday, 6 May 2015

The Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) has notified recruitments for 2015. The CIIL functions under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD), Government of India. It has invited applications for the posts of Clerical Assistant and Attender. The recruitment will be on a contractual basis, and is for the 'Expert Committee on Language for Comprehensive Language Policy for the Country'.
The interested and eligible candidates may apply according to the prescribed format.
Vacancy details:
  1. Total number of posts: 2

Name of the post:
  1. Clerical assistant: 1
  2. Attender: 1

Pay scale:
  1. Clerical assistant: The selected candidate will receive a consolidated salary of Rs 19,820 per month.
  2. Attender: The selected candidate will receive a consolidated salary of Rs 14,000 per month.
  3. Application procedure: The candidates are required to send their applications on a plain paper. The applications along with all the necessary certificates, mark sheets and other documents should be submitted in person or by ordinary post. If sending by post, the complete applications should be sent to the 'Assistant Director (Admin.) In-charge, Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Manasagangotri, Hunsur Road, Mysore- 570006'.
  4. Important dates: The completed applications should reach the Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) on or before May 15.
  5. The recruitment to these posts is entirely contractual, and the candidates will be in service for the CIIL for a period of six months.
  6. For any further information regarding qualifications etc. please visit the official website of CIIL,


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