Monday, 27 April 2015

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has invited applications for filling up vacancies at the following posts:
  • Scientist SB (Electrical)
  • Scientist SB (Non-destructive)
  • Technical officer (Forestry)
  • Senior controller (Mines)
  • Deputy director (Non-technical)
  • Assistant professor (English)

The candidates who wish to apply can submit the online applications by May 15.
The eligibility criteria for the same has been mentioned below:
  • Scientist SB (Electrical): The candidates applying for this post should have a Master's degree in Physics(Pure/Applied)/Computer Science or degree in Electrical/Electronics/Computer Science and Engineering/Computer Science and Technology/Telecommunication/Radio Physics of a recognised university or equivalent.
  • Experience: The candidates applying for this post should hold an experience of three years practical experience in the testing and evaluation of electrical stores/materials/measuring instruments in a recognised laboratory or institute.
  • Age limit: The candidates applying for this post should not exceed the age limit of 35 years.
  • Scientist SB (Non-destructive): The candidates applying for this post should have obtained a Master's degree in Physics (Pure/Applied) or a degree in Mechanical/Metallurgical/Electrical Engineering of a recognised university or equivalent.
  • Experience: The candidates applying for this post should possess three years of practical experience in non-destructive/metallographic techniques as employed in testing evaluation/ failure investigation of materials.
  • Age limit: The candidates applying for this post should not exceed the age limit of 35 years.
  • Technical officer (Forestry): The candidates applying for this post should have obtained a Master's degree in Statistics or Operations Research or Forestry or Economics (with Statistics) or Commerce (with Statistics) or Mathematics (with Statistics) or Agriculture (with Statistics) or they should have two years' Post Graduate diploma in Forestry Management from a recognised institute/university.
  • Experience: The candidates should have acquired at least two years of experience in collection or compilation or analysis of data including data in Agriculture or Forestry work.
  • Age limit: The candidates applying for this post should not exceed the age limit of 30 years.
  • Senior controller (Mines): The candidates applying for this post should have acquired a degree in Mining Engineering from a recognised university or equivalent.
  • Experience: The candidates applying for this post should have obtained five years of experience in a supervisory capacity in metalliferrous mines or a government department dealing with metalliferrous mines.
  • Age limit: The candidates applying for this post should not exceed the age limit of 40 years.
  • Deputy director (Non-technical): The candidates applying for this post should have a degree of a recognised university or equivalent.
  • Experience: The candidates applying for this post should have acquired at least 10 years of experience in a responsible capacity of work connected with Handloom or Textile Industry or Commerce or industry in general together with Secretariat/organisational Administrative experience.
  • Age limit: The candidates applying for this post should not exceed the age limit of 45 years.
  • Assistant professor (English): The candidates applying for this post should hold a good academic record with at least 55 per cent marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master's level in English. Or the candidates should have Post Graduate Diploma in teaching of English/English studies awarded by Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL) Hyderabad or equivalent. Or the candidates should have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) for assistant professors conducted by the University Grants Commission/ Council for Scientific and Industrial Research or similar Test accredited by the University Grants Commission, having acquired at least 50 per cent marks.
  • Age limit: The candidates applying for this post should not exceed the age limit of 35 years.
  • For more details, the candidates should visit the official website.


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