Thursday, 9 April 2015

The Public Health and Municipal Engineering Department, Andhra Pradesh has invited applications from engineering graduates for selection as Graduate Engineer Apprentices. The eligible and interested candidates may apply according to the given format.
Vacancy details:
  • Total number of posts: 318

Name of the post:
  • Graduate Engineer Apprentice

Eligibility criteria:
  1. Educational qualifications: The candidates must have completed either B.E., B.Tech. or AMIE in any of these fields- Civil, Structural, Transportation or Environmental. The applicants should not have obtained the degree any time before 2013.
  2. Age limit: The candidates should be in the age group of 21 to 34 years as of April 1, 2015.
  3. Pay scale: The selected candidates will get a consolidated stipend of Rs 15,280.
  4. Selection procedure: The candidates shall be selected on the basis their merit, i.e., the marks obtained in their basic engineering degree.
  5. Application procedure: The interested and eligible candidates have to submit the duly filled in and signed application through email and hard copy, both. The hard copy is to be sent to the Superintending Engineer of PH and ME department.

Important dates:
  • The last date for receipt of applications is April 20. 
  • For any further information please visit


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