Thursday, 19 March 2015

Central Vigilance Commission has invited applications for recruitment at the post of examiners. The interested and eligible candidates can apply by March 31.
Post details:
  • Total posts: 8
Post name:
  1. Technical examiner (Electrical): 1 
  2. Technical examiner (Civil): 2 
  3. Assistant technical examiner (Civil): 1 
  4. Assistant Technical examiner (Electrical): 1 
  5. Assistant technical examiner (SPIC): 1 
  6. Junior technical examiner: 2

Eligibility criterion:
Educational qualifications:
  1. Technical examiner: Candidates applying for this post should be officers of the status of executive engineers in the Engineering department of Government of India or they should be officers holding an analogous post in state government offices having relevant experience in civil work.
  2. Assistant technical examiner: Candidates applying for this post should be officers of the status of assistant engineers in the Engineering department of Government of India or they should be officers holding an analogous post in state government offices having relevant experience in civil work.
  3. Junior technical examiner: Candidates applying for this post should be officers of the status of junior engineers in the Engineering department of Government of India or they should be officers holding an analogous post in state government offices having relevant experience in civil work.
  4. Application process: In order to apply, the candidates are required to send their duly filled applications to "Under Secretary (Administration) Central Vigilance Commission, Starkata Bhawan, Block A GPO Complex INA New Delhi 23".

Pay scale:
  • Technical examiner (Electrical): PB of Rs 15,600-39,100 with GP Rs 6,600
  • Technical examiner (Civil): PB of Rs 15,600-39,100 with GP Rs 6,600
  • Assistant technical examiner (Civil): PB-2 (9,300-34,800) with GP Rs 4,600
  • Assistant technical examiner (Electrical): PB-2 (9,300-34,800) with GP Rs 4,600
  • Assistant technical examiner (SPIC): PB PB-2 (9,300-34,800) with GP Rs 4,600
  • Junior technical examiner: PB-2 (9,300-34,800) with GP Rs 4,600


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