Thursday, 26 February 2015

THDC India Limited has invited applications for recruitment to various positions by engaging eligible candidates.

Executive Trainee (Law)
Engineer Trainee (Civil)
Engineer Trainee (Electrical)
Engineer Trainee (Mechanical)
Executive Trainee (Law)-
The applicant should have full time regular bachelor's degree in Law from recognized Indian universities/institutes.
Engineer Trainee (Civil)-
The applicant should have full time regular bachelor's degree in Engineering (BE/Btech/BSc (Engg.) from a recognized Indian university/institute approved by AICTE.
Engineer Trainee (Electrical)-
The applicant should have full time regular bachelor's degree in Engineering (BE/Btech/BSc(Engg.) from a recognized Indian university/institute approved by AICTE
Engineer Trainee (Mechanical)-
The applicant should have full time regular bachelor's degree in Engineering (BE/Btech/BSc(Engg.) from a recognized Indian university/institute approved by AICTE
Age limit-
Executive Trainee (Law)-Maximum age limit should be 30 years
Engineer Trainee (Civil)- Maximum age limit should be 30 years
Engineer Trainee (Electrical)- Maximum age limit should be 30 years
Engineer Trainee (Mechanical)- Maximum age limit should be 30 years
How to apply-
Interested and eligible candidates should fill the application online in a prescribed format and submit it to the official address.
Important date-
Last date of receipt of application in hard copy with other testimonials by Speed post/Ordinary Post- February 28


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