Sunday, 15 February 2015

Staff Selection Commission has invited applications for recruitment at  post of  Lower Division Grade reserved for regularly appointed Group 'C' Staff in Central Secretariat Clerical Service, Armed Forces Headquarters  Clerical Service, Grade VI of the I.F.S. Branch 'B' Clerical Service, Central Vigilance Commission Clerical Service and Ministry of Railway (Railway Board). 
The candidates who wish to apply should hurry up as the application process for the same ends tomorrow i.e. February 16. The candidates who have qualified Class 12 and age less than 45 years are eligible to apply.
Candidates will have to clear a written test and an interview to be short listed. The written test is scheduled to be held on April 5. Those being selected will be placed in the pay scale of pay band-I Rs 5,200-20,200 with grade pay of Rs 1,900.
In order to apply, the candidates are required to  send their duly filled application forms to " Regional Director (NR), Staff Selection Commission, Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110504". The candidates are required to send the attested copies of relevant documents along. 
About SSC:
An Indian organisation to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and in subordinate offices, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) was formed on November 4, 1975.


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