Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Uttar Pradesh - Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Saharanpur has invited candidates for recruitment of nurses. The programme seeks to open new schools in those areas that do not have schooling facilities and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional classrooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement funds.
  • Total posts: 29

Name of the posts:
  1. Warden-cum-Teacher (Math PCM) - 2
  2. Math Teacher (PCM) - 2
  3. Science Teacher (PCB) - 4
  4. Urdu Teacher - 2
  5. Computer Teacher - 4
  6. Accountant - 2
  7. Cook - 2
  8. Assistant Cook - 7
  9. Peon - 2
  10. Keeper - 2

  • Age Limit: The maximum age is 45 years and the minimum age is 25 years. Relaxations in age would be applicable as per the rules.
  • Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess a degree with higher secondary level, Qualify in TET & B.Ed, Commerce Degree with MS Office.
  • Selection Procedure: An interview would be conducted to select candidates.
  • How to apply: Applicants are required to fill in the application forms in a prescribed format and send the completed form along with the relevant documents to 'The District Basic Education Officer, Baribagh, Saharanpur'. 
  • Important Dates: The last date for submission of application forms is November 20, 2014.


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