Monday, 3 November 2014

The  Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (GSIDC), Goa, has invited applications for recruitment from eligible and interested candidates for positions of Assistant Manager.
GSIDC has been floated by the Government of Goa as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for speedy implementation of all the Infrastructural Projects, envisaged by the Government.
  1. Total Posts: 1
  2. Name of the posts: Assistant Manager
  3. Pay Scale: The selected candidate would be getting Rs 27,500 per month.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Age Limit: The applicants' age should not exceed 40 years. Age relaxation would be provided as per the rules.
  • Educational Qualification: Those applying for the job should be having a Degree in Law from Govt Recognized Institute/ University & minimum 5 years of experience as practicing advocate or as a law officer in Legal Department of a Statutory Corporation/ Company. Knowledge of Konkani Language is must.
  • Selection Procedure: An interview would be conducted to shortlist candidates.
  • How to apply: Those interested may mail their applications to  
  • Important Dates: The last date to submit the application is from November 7, 2014.
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