Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) has invited applications for recruitment from eligible and interested candidates for positions of Program Officer for NUSSD project in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Bihar, UP and Jharkhand.
TISS was set up in 1936 as the Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work.
  • Total Posts: 8
  • Name of the posts: Program Officer (PO) in National University Students' Skill Development Programme (NUSSD)
  • Pay Scale: The salary provided would be as per the experience.

  • Educational Qualification: Those applying for the job should possess a Bachelor's or a Master's degree or any equivalent qualification from a recognised institution. He/she should also have high proficiency in computer-based applications such as MS Office.
  • How to apply: Those interested may mail their resumes along with the letter of interest to
  • Important Dates: The last date to mail the resume is October 25, 2014


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