Thursday, 16 October 2014

Bank of Maharashtra has invited applications to fill the post of Company Secretary. Eligible candidates are required to fill the application online on or before October 22, 2014.
  1. Total post: 1
Name of the posts: 
  1. Company Secretary
  2. Chief Manager in SMGS-IV 
  3. Asstt. Gen. Manager in SMGS-V

Pay Scale
  1. Chief Manager in SMGS-IV: Candidates would be getting a salary of Rs 30600-900/4-34200-1000/2-36200.
  2. Asstt. Gen. Manager in SMGS-V: Candidates would be getting a salary of Rs 36200-1000/2-38200-1100/2-40400.

  1. Chief Manager in SMGS-IV: Candidates must be graduates in any discipline with minimum 55 per cent marks. He/she should have Associate Membership of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ACS) with Computer Literacy.
  2. They are also required to have minimum five-year experience in banking/financial institutions preferably as company secretary. Out of this, minimum three-year experience in the cadre equivalent to Manager-MMGS-II in PSBs is a must.
  3. Asstt. Gen. Manager in SMGS-V: Candidates must be a graduate in any discipline with minimum 55 per cent marks. He/she should have Associate Membership of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ACS) with Computer Literacy.
  4. They are also required to have minimum five-year experience in banking/financial institutions preferably as company secretary. Out of  this minimum four-year experience in the cadre equivalent to Manager-MMGS-IIi in PSBs is a must.

  • Chief Manager in SMGS-IV: Candidates should be maximum 35 years of age as on August 1, 2014.
  • Asstt. Gen. Manager in SMGS-V: Candidates should be maximum 40 years of age as on August 1, 2014.

Selection Procedure 
  • The candidates will be shortlisted for selection process taking into consideration the qualification and experience. The selection will be decided by the Bank on the basis of written test/or personal interview taking into consideration the number of applications received.

How to Apply
  • The eligible candidates are required to apply online.
  • The demand draft of Rs 1000 drawn on the name of any Nationalised Bank payable at Pune, favouring BANK OF MAHARASHTRA A/C COMPANY SECRETARY RECRUITMENT to be sent along with the hard copy of online application.
  • Important Dates: The last date of receipt of hard copy of application is October 25, 2014.


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