Sunday, 7 September 2014

The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR), Guwahati, Assam has invited applications for recruitment from eligible and interested candidates for paramedical vacancies on contractual basis.
The departmental, set up at headquarter level and divisional set-up in the field, assists general manager for running the railways. Various departments namely, Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical, Signal and Telecom, Operations, Commercial, Safety, Accounts, Security, Personal and Medical headed by a Senior Administrative Grade/Higher Administrative Grade officer, provide technical and operational support to the divisions in train operations.
Northeast Frontier Railway has five divisions namely, Tinsukia, Lumding, Rangiya, Alipurduar and Katihar and at field level these divisions are directly responsible for train operations and reports to general manager.

  • Total Posts: 32
Name of the posts:
  1. Lab Superintendent Gr. III (Katihar Division) - 1 post
  2. Health & Malaria Inspector III (Tinsukia Division) - 2 posts
  3. Staff Nurse (Tinsukia Division) - 7 posts
  4. Dental Hygienist (Head Quarter, N.F. Railway) - 1 post
  5. Health & Malaria Inspector III (Alipurduar Division) - 3 posts
  6. Physiotherapist (Alipurduar Division) - 1 post
  7. Staff Nurse (Rangiya Division) - 2 posts
  8. Staff Nurse (Lumding Division) - 10 posts
  9. Health & Malaria Inspector III (Lumdung Division) - 5 posts
  • Pay Scale: For Post I, II, IV,V, VI & IX, selected candidates would be getting a monthly salary of Rs 20570. For Post III, VII & VIII, the selected candidates would be getting a monthly salary of Rs 21190.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Age Limit: The applicants' age should not exceed 40 years and the minimum age should not be less than 18 years.
  • Educational Qualification: For postwise educational qualification, please refer to the official notification.
  • Selection Procedure: An interview would be conducted to shortlist candidates.
  • How to apply: Those interested can attend the walk-in interview at the venue along with filled application form and all other required documents.
  • Important Dates: Interview would be held on September 15, 16, 18 & 19, 2014.


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