Friday, 19 September 2014

The Gauhati University has invited applications to fill up vacancies of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Contractual Assistant Professor posts. The University came into being on February 1, 2010 with the objective of studying language, culture, communication, society etc. with an interdisciplinary approach. 
Total Posts: 25
Name of the posts:
  1. Professor - 5 Posts
  2. Associate Professor - 9 Posts
  3. Assistant Professor - 8 Posts
  4. Assistant Professor (Contractual) - 3 Posts

Pay Scale:
  1. For Post I - Those who would get selected would be drawing a monthly salary of Rs 37,400 to Rs 67,000 along with AGP of Rs 10,000.
  2. For Post II - Those who would get selected would be drawing a monthly salary of Rs 37,400 to Rs 67,000 along with AGP of Rs 9,000.
  3. For Post III - Those who would get selected would be drawing a monthly salary of Rs 15,600 to Rs 39,100 along with AGP of Rs 6,000.
  4. For Post IV - Those who would get selected would be drawing a monthly salary of Rs 15,000 & Rs 21,600.

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification:
Those applying for the posts should be holding a PhD degree in the relevant field and Master's Degree with relevant experience.
How to apply:
Rs 1,000 only for the general category and Rs 5,000 for SC/ST category through demand draft
Eligible applicants are required to apply in the prescribed format from the official website and along with all the relevant documents, the completed application form should be send to 'The Registrar, Gauhati University, Guwahati - 781014'.

Important Dates:
The last date for submission of application is October 15, 2014.


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