Thursday, 7 August 2014

Applications are invited from eligible candidates by the office of the State Coordinator of National Registration (NRC), Assam for filling up various 572 posts on contractual basis.
Total Posts: 572
Name of the posts:
  1. District project supervisor - 27 Posts
  2. Circle project supervisor- 154 Posts
  3. Junior Assistant, District level - 54 Posts
  4. Junior Assistant, Sub division level - 29 Posts
  5. Junior Assistant, Circle level - 308 Posts

Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit:
  • The age of the candidates should be 18 years and above and below 40 years. Relaxation as per the government rule would be applicable.

Educational Qualification:
  • All the applicants interested in applying for the first post should have an MBA degree or masters degree from any recognized university or institution. For the second post, the candidate must possess a graduation degree and for the rest of the posts, along with a graduation degree, the candidate must have a one-year diploma in computer application or DTP from a recognised university.

Selection Procedure:

  • A written test and an interview would be conducted to short-list candidates.

How to apply:

  • All eligible candidates are required to send hard copy of the completed online application form along with relevant documents to the '' Commissioner & Secretary to the government of Assam, Political Department, Ground Floor, CM Block, Assam Sachivalaya, Dispur, Guwahati - 781006

Important Dates:

  • Last date to apply is August 16, 2014


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