- Clerk
Eligibility Criteria:
- Bachelor Degree (in Science, Arts and Commerce) with minimum of 55 per cent marks or a Post Graduate, from a recognized University.
- Engineering Graduate with at least 60 per cent marks from a recognized University.
- Must have knowledge in Computer Operations.
- Age Limit for the candidates should be 24 years (for Graduates) and 26 years (for Post Graduates) as on June 30, 2014 category candidates should be as per rules.
- Pay Scale: Rs. 8000-400/1-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500-800/2-20100. Candidate will get emoluments of Rs. 16,500/- Per Month during the period of probation.
- Application Fee (Non- Refundable) is of Rs. 300/- (Three Hundred only), (Rs. 150/- for SC/ ST candidates) in the form of crossed Demand Draft or Pay Order drawn in favour of "Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Ltd.", payable at Thoothukudi/ Tuticorin or Thirunelveli.
- The short listed candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in the Online Test followed by the Personal Interview, which will be conducted by the administration.
- Interested candidates may apply Online through the TMB Website
- After successful submission of online application take the printout of the filled in Application Form for future requirement/ reference.
- Candidate has to send the print out of filled application form along with the photo copies of relevant certificates/ testimonials in support of date of birth, qualifications, experience, category (SC/ ST/ PWD), etc. with a recent colored passport size photograph should be affix on the application form duly signed across and the Demand Draft may forward to the "General Manager, Human Resources Development Department, Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Ltd., Head Office, # 57, V. E. Road, Thoothukudi 628 002" within 05 days from the date of Online Application
- Opening Date for Submission of Online Application: July 30, 2014
- Closing Date for Submission of Online Application: August 13, 2014
- Last Date for Submission of Hard Copy & Documents: August 19, 2014
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