Sunday, 24 August 2014

The National Health Mission, Uttar Pradesh has invited applications for the post of Managers and Coordinators. The goal of the mission is to improve the availability of and access to quality health care by people, especially for those residing in rural areas, the poor, women and children.
Total Post: 89
Name of the post:
  1. Dy. General Manager (HR/ DAP) - 2 posts
  2. HR Specialist - 1 post
  3. Junior Engineer (Civil/Elec./Mech.) - posts
  4. Accountant - 1 post
  5. Technical Consultant (Maternal Health Cell) - 4 posts
  6. Technical Consultant (Child Health Cell) - 1 post
  7. Technical Consultant(School Health and Adolescent Health Cell) - 1 post
  8. Consultant (Routine Immunization Cell) - 1 post
  9. Programme Coordinator (Routine Immunization Cell) - 1 post
  10. Consultant- (Urban) - 2 posts
  11. Accountant- (Urban) - 1 post
  12. Consultant- (National Disease Control Programme Cell) - 2 post
  13. Consultant (NPCB) - 1 post
  14. Consultant (Diabetes) - 1 post
  15. Consultant (Management) - 1 post
  16. Consultant (EMTS) - 1 post
  17. Consultant (Procurement Cell) - 1 post
  18. Computer Operator (IEC Cell) - 1 post
  19. Sr. Manager Finance (Finance Cell) - 2 posts
  20. Manager Finance (Finance Cell) - 1 post
  21. Internal Auditor/Officer (Audit) - 2 posts
  22. Computer Operator cum Accounts Assistant - 1 post
  23. Dy. General Manager (MIS Cell) - 1 post
  24. Technical Consultant (MIS Cell) - 2 posts
  25. Programme Coordinator (AYUSH Cell) - 1 post
  26. District Programme Manager - 2 posts
  27. District Community Process Manager - 11 posts
  28. District Accounts Manager - 15 posts
  29. District Data Manager - 13 posts
  30. Team Leader - 1 post
  31. Programme Manager- ASHA - 1 post
  32. Regional Coordinator - 4 posts
  33. Accounts Assistant (ARC) - 1 post
  34. State CBM Programme Officer - 1 post
  35. Training and Monitoring Officer - 2 posts
  36. Monitoring and Documentation Officer - 1 post
  37. Accounts Officer - 1 post

Age Limits: Maximum 50 years as per official NHM Uttar Pradesh Notification 2014.

Education Qualification: 
For educational qualification for each post, refer to the official notification.

Selection Procedure:
 An interview and a written test would be conducted to select the candidates. 
How to apply: Interested candidates who are willing to apply may download the online application form and send the hard copy along with relevant documents to the organisation.
Important Dates: The last date to submit the application form is September 10, 2014.


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