Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Allahabad University, UP has recently announced recruitment for various vacant positions of librarian and registrar inviting interested and eligible candidates to fill up the positions. Established on  September 23, 1887, it is the fourth oldest university of India after Calcutta, Bombay and Madras universities. The credit for turning a central college into a university goes to Sir William Muir, then Lt. Governor of United Provinces.
  • Total Posts: 2
  • Name of the Posts: 
  1. Registrar: 1 post; Librarian: 1 post
  • Pay Scale: The selected candidates will be getting a salary of Rs 37400 to Rs 67000 with grade pay of Rs 10000.
  • Age Limit: Candidates should not be above 35 years. The upper age limit is relaxable for the applicants from the scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes, other backward classes, physically handicapped and other special categories in accordance with the orders issued by the central government from time to time.
  • Educational  Qualification: Eligible and interested candidate must have completed their Bachelor's degree or its equivalent qualification from a recognised university.
  • Selection Procedure: A written test and an interview would be conducted to short-list the candidates.
  • How to apply: Candidates may send their application forms to the university office.
  • Important Dates: The last date for submission of application is September 13, 2014.


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