Vacancy details:
Name of the post: Field Investigators
- Bangalore: 54
- Chennai: 39
- Coimbatore: 36
- Aurangabad: 35
- Ahmadabad: 32
- Pay Scale: Rs 16500 per month + TA/DA
- The candidate should possess a graduate degree from a recognised university with Statistics or Economics or Mathematics as one of the papers at Degree level.
- The candidate should know English, Kannada/ Gujarati/ Tamil/ any other local language and also be adept with computer applications like MS office etc.
- The age of the candidate age should be between 21-30 years as on July 1, 2014. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
- Candidates shall be selected for the advertised post on the basis of their performance in the interview.
- Interested and eligible candidates are supposed to apply by sending in their application in the prescribed format: http://mospi.nic.in/mospi_new/upload/fod_rec_7jan13.html
- The duly filled application has to be sent with attested copies of all required Certificates / Documents and self-addressed (in capital letters) duly stamped envelope to the following corresponding address:
- For Bangalore: Deputy Director General, National Sample Survey Office (FOD), E & F Wing, 5th Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore-560034.
- For Chennai: Regional Head, Shri. G. Subramanian, Deputy Director General, NSSO (FOD), Regional Office, Shastri Bhavan, II Floor, 'B' Wing, Block - III, 6/26, Haddows Road, Chennai - 600 006.
- For Coimbatore: Regional Head, TN, Deputy Director General National Sample Survey Office (Field Operations Division) Regional Office, Tamil Nadu (West) 43, Sengupta Street, Ramnagar, Coimbatore-641 009.
- For Aurangabad: Regional Head Shri Anil D. Patil of Regional Office, N.S.S.O.(F.O-D.), 1st floor, NSSO Bhavan, Central Facility Building, Opp. Garware Factory, N-7, CIDCO, Aurangabad - 431003.
- For Ahmadabad: Regional head, D.D.G. of Regional Office, Office of the Deputy Director General, 3rd Floors, Doctor House, Near Parimal Rly. Crossing, C.G.Road, Ahmadabad 380 006.
Important date:
- Last date for receipt of application forms: June 29, 2014.
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