Vacancies: 142
- Ayurvedic Medical Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (On Contract basis): 101(50 +51 backlog posts)
- Professor (Community Dentistry) Class-I (Gazetted): 01
- Deputy Advocate General, Class-I (Gazetted): 01
- Director, Sainik Welfare, Class-I (Gazetted): 01
- Deputy Director, Sainik Welfare, Class-I (Gazetted) (On Contract basis): 01
- Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Class-I (Gazetted) (On contract basis): 08
- Senior Planning Draughtsman, Class-II (Non-Gazetted) (On contract basis): 03
- Planning Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (On contract basis): 03
- Lecturer, Computer Engineering, (Polytechnic) Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis): 01
- Lecturer, Applied Sciences and Humanities, (Polytechnic) (Physics), Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis): 02
- Lecturer, Applied Sciences & Humanities (Polytechnic) (Chemistry), Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis): 05
- Lecturer, Applied Sciences & Humanities (Polytechnic) (Mathematics), Class-I (Gazetted) (on Contract basis) : 04
- Lecturer, Applied Sciences & Humanities (Polytechnic) (English), Class-I
- (Gazetted) (on Contract basis): 05
- Veterinary Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (On Contract basis): 05
Ayurvedic Medical Officer :
- Recognized degree in Ayurveda not less than five years duration from a recognized Institution recognized by the Central/ State Government / CCIM.
- Compulsory Rotatory Internship wherever required by the Central Council of Indian Medicine.
- Desirable - Knowledge of customs / manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
- Candidates should not be more than 45 years of age as on May 26, 2014
- Candidates can check the eligibility criteria for the other posts at the detailed advertisement published on the official website.
Selection Procedure:
- In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for interviews by subjecting them to a screening test (objective-type / descriptive) of two hours duration. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on the basis of his/her performance in the viva-voce test/ interview, which will be of maximum 100 marks. The minimum pass marks in interview are 45 for the candidates of general category and 35 marks for the candidates of reserved categories.
How to Apply:
- Eligible candidates must have to apply online through the website
- Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should apply separately for each post and pay the fee for each post in the prescribed manner.
- After submitting the Online Recruitment Application (ORA), the candidates are required to take a printout of the finally submitted Online Recruitment Application and submit the same along with requisite attested documents / certificates in support of their eligibility to the Commission on the day of Screening Test for the concerned post.
- Candidates can pay requisite Examination Fee either through 'e-Challan' or through 'e-Payment' option and deposit the requisite examination fees at any branch of Punjab National Bank through an 'e-Challan' generated through the website of the Commission, i.e. www.hp.gov.in/hppsc.
- Thereafter, the candidates are required to visit again the above mentioned website to access the home page of the "Online Application Filing System" by entering User ID and Password earlier created by the candidates on or before the last date. Click on "Fee Details" and enter the details of "Branch Code/Name, Transaction Number and Date of deposit" & then click on "Update Fee Details".
- The candidates can also pay requisite examination fees through Debit or Credit Card of any Bank.
- Before applying online, all candidates are advised to go through detailed instructions given on the above mentioned website.
Examination Fee:
- General Category: Rs 400
- S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C. of H.P: Rs 100
- Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from Defence Services after completion of normal tenure) / Blind of H.P./ Visually Impaired of H.P: No fee
Important dates:
- Closing Date for Submission Of Online Recruitment Applications: May 26, 2014
Official website:
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