Interested and eligible candidates have to apply through prescribed format within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
Vacancy details:
Technical Posts
- Technical Assistant (Laboratory Technician): Four Posts
- Technical Assistant (Field/Farm): Two Posts
- Technical Assistant (Press & Editorial) Hindi Translator: One Post
Administrative Posts
- Stenographer Gr. III: Two Posts
- Lower Division Clerk: Seven Posts
- Lower Division Clerk (Hindi Typist): One Post
- Skipper Grade II: Four Posts
Total Number of Post: 21 Posts
Age Limit:
- Technical Assistant: Between 18-30 years
- Stenographer Gr. III: Between 18-27 years
- Lower Division Clerk: Between 18-27 years
- Skipper Grade II: Between 18-35 years
Eligibility criteria:
- Technical Assistant (Laboratory Technician): The candidate should possess a Bachelor's degree (Zoology/Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Fisheries Science/ Food Science/ Food Technology) or equivalent qualification from a recognised university and must have one year experience in the relevant field.
- Technical Assistant (Field/Farm): The candidate should possess a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture / Sociology/ Statistics/Economics/ Social Sciences or equivalent qualification from a recognised university and must have one year experience in the relevant field.
- Technical Assistant (Press & Editorial) Hindi Translator: The candidate should possess a Bachelor's degree in Hindi Language or equivalent qualification from a recognised university. The candidate must have three years experience in science writing and science journalism in Hindi and also have Diploma in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa.
- Stenographer Gr. III: The candidate should be 12th Class pass or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognised board or University
- Lower Division Clerk: The candidate should be 12th Class pass or must have an equivalent qualification from a recognised board or university with A typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer
- Lower Division Clerk (Hindi Typist): The candidate should be 12th Class pass or should possess an equivalent qualification from a recognised board or university with a typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer
- Skipper Grade II: The candidate should have done his or her Matriculation or equivalent qualification with Certificate of competency as Skipper and Five years practical experience on board fishing vessel after obtaining Mate Fishing Vessel competency Certificate.
How to apply:
- Interested and eligible candidates are required to download the application form from the Institute website: www.cift.res.in
- Candidates are required to send the duly filled application form along with application fee of 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of "ICAR Unit - CIFT" payable at Cochin and attested copies of certificates in support of claims regarding age, educational qualifications SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH/ Ex-Serviceman etc. to: the Director, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Willingdon Island, Matsyapuri P.O., Cochin- 682 029, Kerala.
- The envelope containing the application should be superscribed as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF"
Important dates:
- Opening date for registration: April 26, 2014
- Closing date for registration: Within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement
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