As the name suggests, the BSF is a border guarding force of the country. Established on December 1, 1965, it is a paramilitary force charged with guarding India's land border during peace time and preventing transnational crime. It is a Union government agency under the administrative control of Ministry of Home Affairs. It is one of many law enforcement agencies of India and currently stands as the world's largest border guarding force.
Vacancies: 70
- Capt/Pilot (DIG) - 08
- Senior Operations Officer (DIG) - 01
- Commandant (Pilot) - 14
- Second-in-Command (Pilot) - 05
- Deputy Commandant (Pilot) - 08
- Chief Engineer (DIG) - 01
- Deputy Chief Engineer - 06
- Senior Aircraft Maintenance Engineer/ Senior Aircraft Radio Maintenance engineer (Second in Command) - 14
- Junior Aircraft Maintenance Engineer/ Junior Aircraft Radio - 07
- Equipment Officer/Senior Stores Provisioning Officer - 02
- Logistics Officer - 02
- Assistant Commandant (Logistics) - 02
- The advertisement is open for one year subject to availability of vacancies as per the requirement. Eligible candidates may apply up to one year from the date of publication of the advertisement. The last date for receipt of applications will be the last working day of the 12th month from the date of publication of the advertisement.
- Candidates can visit the BSF website for application form, eligibility conditions, methods and modalities of the recruitment, aircraft-wise/stream-wise vacancies and vacancy updation chart.
Official website Link:
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