Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) invites applications for recruitment of various teaching vacancies. Candidate can apply before April 30, 2014.
Name of the Posts
Professor in Public Health & Mortality Studies: 1
Professor in Population Policies & Programmes: 1
Professor in Mathematical Demography & Statistics: 1
Associate Professor in Public Health & Mortality Studies: 1
Associate Professor in Development Studies: 1
Assistant Professor in Development Studies: 1
Assistant Professor in Mathematical Demography & Statistics: 1
Total number of posts: 7
Age Limit
  • Professor: Candidates upper age limit should be 50 years
  • Associate Professor: Candidates upper age limit should be 45 years
  • Assistant Professor: Candidates upper age limit should be 35 years
Educational Qualification
  1. Professor: Ph.D. in Demography/ Bio-Medical Science/ Environmental Science/ Life Science/ Statistics/ Mathematics/Public Health/Preventive and Social Medicine/Population Studies/Management/Economics/Biostatistics or in any Social Science subjects listed in ICSSR with specialization in Population Studies with minimum of 10 years of teaching experience.
  2. Associate Professor: Ph.D. in Demography/Population Studies/Bio Medical Sciences/Environmental Sciences/Statistics/Mathematics/Economics/Health Economics/Public Health/Preventive and Social Medicine/Biostatistics or in any Social Science subjects listed in ICSSR with specialization in Population Studies and with minimum of 8 yrs. Experience.
  3. Assistant Professor: Master Degree in Population Studies/Environmental Science/Demography/ Biostatistics/Statistics/Mathematics/Economics/Health Economics or in any Social Sciences subject listed in ICSSR with specialization in Population Studies and PhD in Population Studies/ demography/ Statistics/Mathematics/Economics with specialization in Mathematical Demography and/or at least 2 publications in peer reviewed journals in the area of Mathematical Demography & Statistics (optional).
Pay Scale
  1. Professor - (PB-4): Rs 37400-67000/- with AGP Rs 10,000/-
  2. Associate Professor - (PB-4): Rs 37400-67000/- with AGP Rs 9,000/-
  3. Assistant Professor - (PB-3): Rs 15600-39100/- with AGP Rs 6,000/-
Selection process
Candidates will be selected on the basis of followings:
  1. Academic BackgroundResearch performance based on API score and quality of publications
  2. Assessment of Domain Knowledge and Teaching Skills
  3. Interview performance
How to apply
Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format. Application form, duly complete in all respect, along with true copies of testimonials, certificates, degrees, diplomas, and complete list of published research papers to his/her credit should be sent in an envelope superscribed "Application for the Post of ____________" to the Registrar, International Institute for Population Sciences, Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Mumbai 400088 on or before April 30, 2014.
Important date
Last date for receipt of application forms: April 30, 2014
About IIPS
IIPS serves as a regional Institute for Training and Research in Population Studies for the ESCAP region. It was established in Mumbai in July 1956. Till July 1970, it was known as the Demographic Training and Research Center (DTRC) and till 1985 it was known as the International Institute for Population Studies (IIPS).


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