Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank has issued Online Application to recruit 458 Officer Scale I, II, III, Office Assistant Posts.

Candidates who have appeared in the common written examination for RRB’S conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and have valid score card are eligible for these posts. Eligible candidates can apply online only from 28-01-2014 to 11-02-2014.

Number of Posts: 458
Names of the Posts:
1. Officer Scale III: 04 Posts
2. Officer Scale II (General Banking Officer): 17 Posts
3. Officer Scale-II (IT): 09 Posts
4. Officer Scale-II (Law): 01 Post
5. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager): 02 Posts
6. Officer Scale I: 150 Posts
7. Office Assistant (Multi Purpose): 139 Posts

Age Limit:
Candidates age limit should be between 21 years to 40 years for Officer Scale III and 21 years to 32 years for Officer Scale II and 18 years to 28 years for Officer Scale- I & Office Assistant as on 01-07-2013. Age relaxation will be applicable for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH/ Ex-Servicemen/ Disabled Ex-Servicemen as per the rules.

Educational Qualifications: 
Candidates should possess Degree in any discipline from a recognized University for Office Assistant and Degree in any discipline from a recognized University for Officer Scale-I and Degree in any discipline with 50% marks in aggregate for Officer Scale II (General Banking Officer) and Degree from a recognised University in Computer Science/ Information Technology or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate for Officer Scale-II (IT) and Degree from a recognised University in Law for Officer Scale-II (Law) and Certified Associateship (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or MBA in Finance from a recognized university/ institution for Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager).

IBPS Score Card (CWE) Details: 
Candidates should have 88 & above for reserved and 95 & above for un-reserved for Office Assistant and 95 & above for reserved and 98 & above for un-reserved for Officer Scale-I and 103 & above for reserved and 109 & above for un-reserved for Officer Scale-III and 101 & above for reserved and 107 & above for un-reserved for Officer Scale-II (IT) and 107 & above for reserved and 114 & above for un-reserved for Officer Scale-II (Law) and 103 & above for reserved and 109 & above for un-reserved for Officer Scale-II (Treasury) and 99 & above for reserved and 106 & above for un-reserved for Officer Scale-II (Marketing).

Selection Process: 
Candidates will be selected based on the performance in RRB’S- Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and personnel interview.

How to Apply: 
Eligible candidates can apply through online application mode from the website www.cgbank.in from 28-01-2014 to 11-02-2014.

Online Instructions:
1. Candidates should have valid email id.
2. Log in to www.cgbank.in
3. Click on the Recruitment/ Careers
4. Fill all the mandatory fields in the applications form and click on the submit button.
5. Candidates should take the print out of the system generated application form & retain it for future reference use.
6. Application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept already for submission if short listed for interview.

Important Dates:
Starting Date for Submission of Online Applications: 28-01-2014
Last Date for Submission of Online Applications: 11-02-2014
Last Date for Reprint of the Application Form: 26-02-2014 - See more at: http://results.amarujala.com/career-diary/chhattisgarh-rajya-gramin-bank-notification-for-various-posts/#sthash.stC0fZ5l.dpuf



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