Sunday, 23 February 2014

Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission (CGPSC) Raipur invites online applications for the recruitment of 53 candidates to the Class II Gazetted Civil Judges (Entry Level) posts under Chhattisgarh Lower Judicial Service. The last date for application is March 30, 2014 and Preliminary online examination is to be held on June 22, 2014.


General: 22 posts, SC: 6 posts, ST: 17 posts, OBC: 7 posts and Physically Handicapped: 1 post
For a total of: 53 posts
Note- only SC/ST/OBC candidates living in Chhattisgarh are eligible for applying under the respective category. Reserved category candidates living outside Chhattisgarh will be considered under the General category.
Pay scaleRs 27,700-770-33,090-920-40,450-1,080-44,770
Eligibility Age of the candidate should be above 21 years and below 35 years of age.
Candidate should also have completed Bachelor Degree in Law from a recognised University
SelectionCandidates will be selected for the Civil Judge post in three rounds:
Part I: Preliminary Online Test - The preliminary test will be conducted online with a total of 100 marks and 100 questions. Time limit for the test is two hours. The test will act as a qualifying test and only those candidates clearing the preliminary test will be eligible to attempt the main test.
Part II: Main examination - Candidates having cleared the preliminary test are eligible to appear for the main test. The main examination is a paper based test with essay type questions for a maximum of 100 marks to be completed in three hours. The top scoring candidates in the main examination will be selected for the Viva Voice (Interview).
Part III: Viva voice - Viva voice interviews will be conducted for candidates scoring high marks in the main examination. The total marks for Viva voice are 15 marks. Final selection for the post will be made based on the combined scores of all three.

How to apply

Application is available online at the CGPSC website and application/examination fees are also to be paid online through credit/debit card or net banking. Keep a scanned copy of your passport size photograph and signature before beginning online application.

Application fees

General: Rs 400
SC/ST/OBC: Rs 300


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